Saturday, August 29, 2009

Coping with stress in a marriage

The impact of stress and burnout on a marriage can be devastating. Here are some tips on handling stress.

When any of these symptoms start to creep into your marriage, make time together to step back and re-evaluate your life style and commitment to one another.

Do this in a positive way so that you are not creating more stress for one another. Point out to each other the areas of your marriage relationship that are running smoothly.
Physical Symptoms:

# Difficulty sleeping
# Poor appetite or overeating
# Frequent colds, flu, other illnesses

Emotional Symptoms:

# More arguments
# Sexual and intimacy problems
# More anger, irritation
# Low toleration level
# Anxious
# Depressed
# Tense

How to Cope with Stress:

# Eat healthy foods
# Get enough sleep
# Drink water throughout the day
# Make time for exercise
# Have some fun and laugh more
# As a couple, try to spend some time alone together
# Be supportive of one another



I guess this goes the same for any relationship( except for the sexual and intimacy problems, of course. Stress relief comes when you cope with whatever causes the strain. And these are universal tips on stress relief that we sometimes fail to acknowledge because we're too stressed out from the stress. Huh? Well, how can you think of solutions when you're too engrossed with the problem?

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