Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Stress-Free Life?

Thursday, Sep. 6, 2012

Not A Bad Way To Live
One Minute Daily Devotions

“...And your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.” - Ephesians 6:15

People today live such high pressure-filled lives and it’s taking its toll. Dr. Joel Elkes says, “Our mode of life - the way we live - is emerging as today’s main cause of illness.” The American Academy of Family Physicians says that two-thirds of all visits to doctors are stress related, and that stress is now known as the major contributor to heart disease, cancer, accidental injuries, and suicide.”

People attend stress seminars and devour books on stress. Sometimes they find that just focusing on it makes them more uptight. But, let’s face it - stress and pressure are a part of life.

Even Jesus Christ promised us that we’ll all face it. He said, “In this world you’ll face much tribulation.” Tribulation also means pressure. He goes on to say, “...but take heart. I have overcome the world.” Jesus does not promise us freedom from pressure, but He does promise us peace amidst the stress. Inner peace is a by-product of knowing Christ as Savior and Lord. The good news is, it’s available to all who trust in Him.

Yes, pressure is a part of life, but Christ gives us peace amidst the pressure. And I can tell you from experience, that's not a bad way to live!

My Thoughts

Last Sunday, our discipleship group focused on Matthew 6:30-34. In summary, these bible verses tell us that it is a sin to worry.  Our faith should have taught us that God takes care of the people who "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness".  Our focus should be on God and we, therefore, should not get worked up about the things of this world.

Easier said than done.  But it can be done.

When we were asked what worries us, I searched and searched my heart for the answer.  Like everyone else, I have concerns, I have problems.  But miracle of miracles, why is it that I am not worried? Why is it that, my life these days seem to be free of stress?  Why do I feel so peaceful and so calm amidst all the worldly concerns?

God has taken me to places where I've never been - places where only He can do something about.  He has been true to His promise that He will take care of me and I have learned (and still learning) to let go of the wheel and let God take over.  Finally, I have let God drive and allowed myself to be His passenger. His plans, His ways are indeed far, far better than mine.

I used to live a life full of stress - always worried about something.  Worry made my life stressful.  And stress made me miserable.  God helped me realize there is a better way to live - with Him.  In His presence, I am finding peace.  Peace that is sometimes hard to explain.  But who wants to understand peace?  I am happy I have it.  And I intend to hold on to this peace.  With God as my Driver, I do not even have to worry about getting lost.  And this, most certainly is a new way to live.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What Stress Can Do To your Heart

How stress affects heart health
Mansi Kohli, Health Me Up | Aug 14, 2011, 11.57AM IST

What exactly is the relationship between stress, heart diseases and sudden death? If I am stressed out, how does it increase my risk of heart disease? Does stress affect different people differently?

How will I know if I am suffering from stress? If you are someone who often wonders about all these questions, then you have come to the right place. Today we have Dr. Praveer Agarwal, Interventional Cardiologist and Associate Director, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, put all the dilemmas linked to heart disease and stress at rest. Read on...

How does stress increase the risk for heart disease?

Stress, either physical or mental, can actually take your heart rate to high levels, can increase the blood pressure and the demand of oxygen for your heart may go beyond the supply and may precipitate heart attack. On long term basis, chronic stress may cause persistent high blood pressure, disturbed cholesterol level and disturbances in blood clotting profile which may prove dangerous to heart.

How does your body react to acute stress?

Acute stress can lead to increase in heart rate, blood pressure, panic episode (attack) and rapid breathing. These conditions can precipitate heart attack or nervous break down.

Can stress be both good and bad?

Stress, up to a certain level or limit, will push you to complete your job and excel in life. But if beyond a limit and persistent, stress is extremely bad for health.

What are the warning signs of stress?

Warning signs of stress can be constant worries, inability to concentrate anger, anxiety, crying, depression, inability to take decision, not willing to take part in any activity. Negative thinking, compulsive and over eating, drug abuses, smoking, social withdrawal, headache, body ache, weight loss or gain, indigestion, palpitation are other signs of high levels of stress.

How can I cope with stress and be positive? Certain techniques can definitely help:

Healthy eating habits: Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and other addictions.

Regular physical activities: Breathing exercises like Pranayam help reduce stress. Even taking deep breaths during acute stress helps.

Sufficient physical rest: Good sleep and relaxation techniques help. Keep expectation to minimum, plan your activities or important work in advance, set realistic goals and very importantly learn to accept defeats and learn to say NO to others when you feel that necessary.

Read more Personal Health, Diet & Fitness stories on


No doubt about it, stress can do a lot of harm.  Take heed.  Although stress  is part of our everyday lives, there are ways of managing stress.  Don't let stress control you.  

Monday, May 30, 2011


Why Am I Overwhelmed?

from the article '12 Questions to Ask Yourself If You're Feeling Overwhelmed'
Original Content | April 28, 2011

You skipped breakfast, your boss moved your deadline to the end of the day and you forgot to wear deodorant (again!). What do you do when it all feels like too much? Start by taking a deep breath and asking yourself a few of these questions.

Why Am I Overwhelmed?

"Overwhelm" is increasingly common as demands on human attention increase exponentially. The human brain just wasn't designed to handle the environment we inhabit. For the vast majority of world history, human life—both culture and biology—was shaped by scarcity. Food, clothing, shelter, tools and pretty much everything else had to be farmed or fabricated, at a very high cost in time and energy. Knowledge was power, and it was hard to come by; for centuries, books had to be copied by hand and were rare and precious. Even people were scarce: Friends and relatives died young (as late as 1900, life expectancy in the United States was approximately 49 years). This kind of scarcity still rules the world's poorest regions. But in the developed world, hundreds of millions of us now face the bizarre problem of surfeit. Yet our brains, instincts and socialized behavior are still geared to an environment of lack. The result? Overwhelm—on an unprecedented scale. –Martha Beck


Working from home is has been proven to make you fell less overwhelmed. For one, you can save, at least, an hour getting dressed and another couple of hours travel time. Check out Jomar Hilario's workshops. They are very cheap. You can do it full-time or part-time. Even if you don't decide to work from home, you will learn so many things you can use at work. Having new skills will also help you feel less overwhelmed. Click the links below:

Manila Virutal Assistant Seminar -
Downloadable Seminar - (I took this course)
Cebu VA Seminar -
Online Mentoring Club -
Social Marketing Mentoring Club -
Affiliate System -
Online Wealth Breakthrough Seminar -

Thursday, May 19, 2011


How to Relax Now (Damn It!)
Lisa Kogan on why taking it easy is so hard.
By Lisa Kogan
O, The Oprah Magazine | From the October 2002 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine

I fill my bathtub with bubbles, just like Doris Day in Pillow Talk. I light a zillion cream-colored candles, just like Barbra Streisand in A Star Is Born. I play soothing music over high-quality headphones, just like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. But why stop there? I place thin discs of fresh cucumber over exhausted eyes just like Maggie Smith in Gosford Park. And in no time at all, I let my mind begin to wander, just like Jessica Lange right before they institutionalized her in Frances. The water is warm, the lights are low, the music is enchanting, and here is what I'm thinking: How did my medicine cabinet get chipped? What exactly is a loofah and why in God's name do I own two of them? Have I only been in here three minutes? What time is tomorrow's ideas meeting? How does a woman live more than 40 years without having one idea for tomorrow's ideas meeting? My life is ridiculous. I need a new bath mat. Is that my doorbell? Is that my phone? Why is there war? How do I get candle wax off the side of my tub? Have I only been in here three minutes and 26 seconds? Shouldn't my fingers be pruney by now? I hate my clothes. I hate my hair. I hate my towels. I hate my ability to eat more than one hamburger in a sitting. What if I never come up with another idea and I lose my job and I'm forced to live on the street without a place to recharge my electric toothbrush and my eyes go bad and I can't see that single white hair growing out of my chin and I start scaring little kids who refer to me as Old Bloody Gums Kogan and I die alone clutching my two unused loofahs and how the hell can I have only been in here for three minutes and 57 frigging seconds???

All my life, people have been urging me to relax. They put a hand on my knee to steady my shaking leg. They take me to the cockpit and introduce me to the pilot. They make me skip the nightly news and the daily paper. They offer glasses of merlot, cups of chamomile, sticks of gum, prescriptions for Ativan. They tell me about the wonders of yoga, the miracles of meditation, and a top-notch shrink in Murray Hill. It makes me very, very tense.

An intervention is staged—friends invite me to five days at a spa, and before I can protest that I'm much too busy, I find myself on the vacation I didn't think I could afford to take. Arizona is crazy beautiful. The air is perfumed with rosemary and purple sage, the mesas are dusted with pale cocoa earth, and at sunset the sky turns to mother-of-pearl. There's prickly-pear marmalade and men in white Stetsons, grand canyons and lonesome doves. My elusive search for serenity has brought me to Miraval, a spa that seems to want nothing more than to see me unwind. Rumor has it that another spa in the area searches your luggage for hidden Pringles and peanut butter cups. Miraval asks only that you be aware of what you're eating and make a point of savoring it. They believe in living mindfully, that people who are getting all the tender loving care they need will want to be good to themselves, and they provide the trainers, nutritionists, therapists, and aestheticians to help. The relaxation techniques that felt like a tedious waste of time in Manhattan feel like manna from heaven in Tucson. I am massaged with hot stones, pedicured with hibiscus, exfoliated with sea salt, anointed with oils, sunshined, sauna'd, steamed, stretched, peeled, lotioned, lathered, conditioned, polished, fed, and massaged some more. I nap, swim, read, chat, stroll, breathe deeply, sip mango iced tea, and nap some more. I avoid cell phones, e-mails, faxes, traffic jams, the frantic ticking of my biological clock, and any form of media in which I'm likely to encounter a warning from John Ashcroft. My neck slowly reappears as my shoulders slide down, my jaw unclenches, my lower back unknots, my fingers stop curling into fists, my chakras get unblocked, my chi gets released, my mood gets lifted. I become a wet fettuccine noodle in a white terry cloth robe. Nothing can faze me. The sky is falling? You don't say. The world is hurtling out of control? Praise the Lord and pass the sunblock. I develop an involuntary smile that borders on the idiotic. I don't want to leave.

There's a pretty decent chance that I won't be coming home to a large, cheerful staff waiting to unblock my chakras and release my pent-up chi. Nor will there be a chef preparing insanely delicious low-calorie desserts. So the question is this: How much bubble wrap must I be encased in to maintain this newfound tranquillity?

After one month back in the big city, I believe I have the answer: All the bubble wrap and mango tea in the world won't make the chi flow after I receive a few jolts of the same stress that caused me to flee in the first place. But if Miraval has taught me anything, it's that I have the power to help myself feel better, and if I can't completely eradicate stress, I can at least get to a place where missing a green light doesn't make me homicidal. I toss my Chinese take-out menus (hailed as one of the largest collections in North America) and invest in a copy of Conscious Cuisine: A Harmony of Flavors for a Life in Balance, by Cary Neff, Miraval's brilliant executive chef. I cook and freeze on Saturdays and come home to healthy meals all week long. I promise to treat myself to one massage a month and an occasional facial to boot. I return to the little things that used to make me happy, like swimming and walks in Central Park. I learn to unplug my phone for 20 minutes or so every night and curl up with a good book. I buy the new Tom Waits CD and play it in place of the latest in reality television. I meet old friends for Sunday brunch. I swear never to let a year go by without building in some sort of vacation. And every now and then—after a particularly harrowing day—I settle into a warm, relaxing (four-minute) bubble bath.


I get the point. Don't be too hard on myself. And on others for that matter. Loosen up. And when you get to a spa, just live for the moment.

Saturday, April 16, 2011



8 Energy Zappers—and How to Avoid Them
By Annie Gottlieb
O, The Oprah Magazine | January 15, 2003

Call it a personal energy crisis. On the surface, your life seems full enough—maybe even too full—yet you're running on empty. You feel stretched thin, stressed-out, drained.

Sound familiar? It's an epidemic, as described in Boston-based psychotherapist Mira Kirshenbaum's revelatory new book, The Emotional Energy Factor. The most common complaints Americans bring to our doctors, she says, are: "I feel tired all the time," and "Why do I feel so blah?" Once possible physical causes of fatigue have been ruled out (a crucial first step), many doctors diagnose mild depression and reach for the prescription pad. But is this really depression—or just depletion? And why do some people always have energy?

As a refugee child growing up poor in New York, Kirshenbaum marveled at her uncle who had fled Europe before the Holocaust yet was always singing, hoping, and dreaming. You probably know someone who has more to cope with than you do but warms and cheers everyone around her. You might also know someone who regularly turns ideas into realities not purely through talent or self-confidence but simply because her energy is stronger than any discouragement she encounters.

So where's the pump for this kind of fuel? Not in the gym or the health food store, Kirshenbaum says. It's a misconception that the energy we require is primarily physical. Yes, you need to get enough sleep, water, nutrients, and exercise. However, her survey of endocrinologists, nutritionists, and sports medicine specialists turned up an astonishing consensus: Fully 70 percent of our total energy is emotional—the kind that manifests as hope, resilience, passion, fun, and enthusiasm.

We in the developed world mostly take very good care of our bodies, but we often take lousy care of our souls. And that, says Kirshenbaum, points to the secret of high-voltage people. They don't all have lucky genes or a happy childhood—but they invariably make it a priority to protect and replenish their emotional energy. The good news is that anyone can develop this skill. Kirshenbaum's approach is refreshingly down-to-earth. First, you plug the leaks: Learn to recognize what drains your energy—life situations, toxic people, or habits of mind like worry, guilt, indecision, and envy—and take steps to avoid or minimize it. Second, you identify what fills your tank—pleasure, prayer, novelty, anticipation, fun—and give yourself more.

Since we're all different, Kirshenbaum provides a menu of strategies to choose from (see "Eight Energy Drains and How to Fix Them," at left). A few of her suggestions are novel, like resolving chronic, exhausting guilt by putting yourself on trial. If you're feeling bad about something you've done, Kirshenbaum says, ask yourself whether you were under duress or doing the best you could for your age and background. If so, give yourself a break. Not guilty. Case closed. However, if you decide you knowingly did wrong, move to what she calls the penalty phase: Do something real and specific to compensate the person you hurt or repay your debt to society. Other strategies might seem familiar—dump the bad boyfriend, set limits with your mother—but the fresh context of treasuring your emotional energy above all else may finally give you the impetus to act.

If claiming what you need sets off that "Selfish!" siren in your head ("It's one of the two ultimate ways of controlling a woman," a female patient once told Kirshenbaum: "Just tell her she's fat or she's selfish"), remember that all good things, including true, unforced giving, flow from a full heart. "Emotional energy is the precondition for everything we care about," Kirshenbaum says. "Everything worth doing that's difficult gets lost without it. Marriages fail when we run out of the emotional energy to reach one more time across the divide of anger and silence. Dreams die when we lack the emotional energy to hang in there in the face of all the obstacles. How can you be the best possible mother without emotional energy? It's never selfish for a good person to put fuel in her tank."

Once you learn how to tap this fuel, you'll discover that it's a renewable resource. "Unlike physical energy, which runs down as we get older, emotional energy can increase the more you learn what works best for you," says Kirshenbaum. "Imagine getting more and more energy every year of your life. There's always something you can do to get more."

Here are 8 common energy drains—and how to fix them:

1. Energy drain: Other people's expectations
Are you living someone else's dream for you? You're putting out energy but starving emotionally. The other person gets all the satisfaction.

Energy move: Declare independence
You bought in; you can set yourself free. No confrontation needed, just "I don't have to expect that of myself." Worst-case scenario: Someone who's not you will be disappointed. You will feel wonderful.

2. Energy drain: Loss of self
As kids, we had to play by the rules; our unique energy got caged.

Energy move: Personalize your life
Ask yourself, If it were up to me, what would I...hang on my wall? Wear to work? Do for fun? Find the pockets of freedom where you can be more yourself.

3. Energy drain: Deprivation
Duties and responsibilities fill your days. You gain weight trying to get emotional energy from food.

Energy move: Add pleasure, beauty, fun
Satisfying experiences, large and small, are the real nourishment you crave. Plan a big treat to look forward to—and a little one every day.

4. Energy drain: Envy
We often don't feel envy directly—but we might find someone else's good fortune depressing.

Energy move: Count your blessings
Comparison is a loser's game. Look at what you have, and actively feel grateful. (P.S. That person you envy—you don't know how messy her life really is. Chances are you wouldn't want it if you had it.)

5. Energy drain: Worry
When you worry, you think you're dealing with things, but you're just suffering. Worry never comes up with good ideas. It torments and exhausts us.

Energy move: Get going
Action is the cure for worry. Do one thing that brings you a step closer to coping. If it's the middle of the night, get up and write a to-do list.

6. Energy drain: Unfinished business
Unmade decisions and postponed projects drain you.

Energy move: Do it or dump it
Forget the perfect decision—just trust yourself and make a choice. Put projects in an appointment book. If you can't find any good time, that's a signal you don't want to do it. So don't.

7. Energy drain: Overcommitment
You're always saying "yes"—to your boss, mother, kids, friends; to requests, favors, meetings.

Energy move: Say "yes" to yourself
Tell someone else "no" every once in a while, just to feel your own power. You'll gain a whole new sense of your ability to take care of yourself.

8. Energy drain: Holding on to loss
Fresh loss is an emergency. But old losses you can't let go of are dead weight.

Energy move: Cry all your tears
Indulge in big-time mourning. Take off from work, stay in bed, and do nothing but cry till you're dry—and bored. Then go out and embrace life.

NEXT: 23 get-you-through-the-day energy boosters


What a way to start my Sunday! I'm just about to attend the live streaming of a Sunday service and this article has brought into my attention certain prayer concerns. Love it!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

7 ways to be stress free

7 ways to be stress free

Use these tips and tools to strategize, plan and balance your life — and your pest management business.

Running a small business 24-7 is an all consuming task. Add to that the current economic climate and you’ve got more stress than you can handle. This can impact your health and the success of your business. "Most small business owners do not have a good work-life balance," says Randy Moser, an AdviCoach based in High Point, N.C. ( "The number one way to reduce stress is to keep yourself, your relationships and work all in proper perspective and priority." These tips can help you live a more balanced life, handle stress better and make you healthier in 2011:

Better Business. Here are some ways to manage your business better:

Set up a calendar. "Time management is the number one issue I work on with entrepreneurs," says Moser. The first step to turn it around is to document where you spend your time for a full week. Next, based on your priorities set up a default calendar and commit to it. For example, if you need to set aside time for marketing each week, put it on the schedule. Need time with your significant other and you’re working seven days a week? Block out Friday night. Need to exercise to burn off stress and get healthier? Write it down too. By doing this you’ll give structure to chaos and reduce unnecessary stressors.

Know your limits. "The root of many stressors in our lives comes from unrealistic expectations," says Moser. "If you control your expectations, you reduce some of your stress." This doesn’t mean you don’t have dreams. It means taking a realistic look at projects you want to undertake and asking yourself if you have the resources and capability to get it done. If you do, create an action plan and get busy. If not move on.

Have a 90-day and a 10-year vision. "It forces you to live within your capacity and your resources," says Moser. Say your 10-year vision is to make $15 million producing X, Y or Z. Break it down to the next 90 days and decide what you are going to do to move closer to your goal. "If you break it down into bite-sized expectations for the next year or the next two years you can get there."

Better YOU. Here are some ways to manage yourself better:

Keep your cool. "Most businesses revolve around dealing with the public, and dealing with the public can often mean dealing with rude people," says Jay Winner, M.D., director of the Stress Management Program for a large medical clinic in Santa Barbara, Calif., and the author of Take the Stress Out of Your Life (Da Capo Lifelong April 2008). "You’ll keep your cool if you remember that when someone is rude, they are almost always suffering in one way or another." Are they under excessive financial stress (pretty likely guess these days)? Are they having health problems? Family problems? "Taking the focus off ‘How dare they treat me like this,’ and instead thinking, ‘I wonder what is going on with him,’ will decrease your stress and hostility," Winner says.

Develop and maintain a routine. "Starting and maintaining a new business can often create stress," says Serena Wadhwa, Psy.D., clinical therapist and director of the TriQual Living Center ( in Chicago. "By creating and maintaining a routine, you develop a sense of control, calmness and consistency." This can be as simple as having coffee in a place unrelated to your business and reading a book or working out in the morning before breakfast.

Go with the flow. "Accept that not everything always goes as planned," says Dr. Winner. "When you make out an invoice incorrectly, instead of thinking, ‘What a failure I am,’ think, ‘What can I learn from this?’"

Take a stress break. Use your computer to take a relaxation break, Winner says. Utilize the free relaxation exercise at

The author is a Greenport, N.Y., freelance writer. She can be reached at


business or no business, stress will forever be present. it's true, developing a routine gives you some sense of control. that lessens stress somehow. until something happens and you need to break the routine. then you'll get stressed again. unless you learn to go with the flow. it's good to plan. it's good to organize. but being ready (and yes, accepting of) for any disruption will help you be more relaxed.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Are You Creating Additional Stress For Yourself?

Stress and Self Sabotage:Are You Creating Additional Mental Stress For Yourself?
Mental and Emotional Stress: Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?

By Elizabeth Scott, M.S., Guide

Updated November 08, 2007 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board

Though virtually everyone experiences stress, sometimes the way we react to stress amounts to self sabotage! We’ve all found ourselves being impatient with people or taking out frustrations on innocent bystanders, or causing unnecessary conflicts and mental stress because stress is clouding our judgment. And while some people find themselves creating this type of drama in their lives occasionally, others make this self sabotage a way of life, continually creating additional mental and emotional stress for themselves without being aware of their own role in this! The following are some of the most common ways that people create mental and emotional stress in their own lives. Carefully think about whether any of these self sabotage techniques apply to you, so you can make simple changes to reduce significant mental and emotional stress from your life.

Being “Type A”:
People who move through the world in a Type A pattern of behavior typically rush frantically and treat others with hostility, among other things. If you react to life in a Type A manner, you’re probably bringing unnecessary emotional stress to relationships with aggressiveness. You may be missing simple solutions to problems because you’re rushing so much that you don’t pay close enough attention to details, and thereby creating bigger problems. The Type A pattern also typically brings health problems somewhere down the road. To assess your level of Type A behavior patterns, take the Type A Personality Quiz, and you’ll find an assessment and useful resources to help you stop the self sabotage.

Negative Self Talk:
Sometimes, the enemy is inside your head in the form negative self talk. The way we talk to ourselves, while generally formed during childhood, can follow us through our lives and color each experience like a ray of sunshine or a dark cloud surrounding us and blocking our vision. Those whose self talk tends to be negative may attribute malevolent intent to others when none exists, interpret potentially positive events as negative and missing important benefits, or create a self-fulfilling prophecy by believing that their stress level is more than they can handle. If you suspect that you habitually use negative self talk in your daily life, it’s not too late to learn positive self talk. By keeping a journal and using other tools to become more aware of your inner voice, using positive affirmations and surrounding yourself with positive energy, you can turn things around for the better, and experience much less mental and emotional stress in your daily life.

Poor Conflict Resolution Skills:
Do you tend to act aggressively with people when simple assertiveness will work better? Or do you passively let others walk all over you because you don’t know how to say no? Conflicts with others are generally a part of life, but how we handle them can actually strengthen relationships, or can cause loads of additional mental stress for all involved, and create bigger conflicts that take on a life of their own. Interestingly, many people who act aggressively aren’t fully aware that they’re doing harm in their relationships, and aren’t familiar with a better way of handling things. To get a better idea of how you react to conflict, take the Assertiveness Quiz, and you’ll get an assessment of your conflict-resolution style and resources at the end. You can also get ideas on how to handle conflict by reading my 10 Best Ways to Handle Conflict and 10 Worst Ways to Handle Conflict.

If you’re a pessimist, you may see things as worse than they really are, may pass up opportunities to better your, overlook solutions to problems, and cause yourself mental stress in many other ways as well. Pessimism is more than just seeing the glass as half-empty; it’s a specific worldview that undermines your belief in yourself, brings poorer health outcomes, fewer positive life events, and other negative consequences. (Read this article for a more detailed explanation of the traits of pessimists and optimists, with research on the benefits of optimism.) Because the traits of optimists and pessimists are specific and slightly elusive to someone who doesn’t know what to look for, many people with pessimistic tendencies are completely unaware of it and view themselves as optimists. To know your tendencies, take The Optimism Self Test, and get an assessment of your explanatory style and find resources for how to become more of an optimist.

Taking On Too Much:
Are you overscheduled and overstressed? You may be taking on too much, and putting yourself under undue pressure because of it. Whether it’s because you’re a type A type person or because you’re not sure how to say no to others’ demands on your time, you can put yourself in a state of chronic stress if you habitually take on more than you can handle. To assess your level of balance, take the Lifestyle Balance Quiz to see if you may need a change.


this article reminds me so much of the 7 habits. if you have not read the book yet. please do. or attend a workshop. i used to be my worst enemy and i stress myself out. and other people. but the 7 habits is not enough. the bible is the best. as soon as i start feeling that the world is about to crash and close in on me,i grab the bible or stop for few minutes to pray. trust me, the tension magically (or mysteriously? or better yet miraculously) goes away.