Sunday, August 14, 2011

What Stress Can Do To your Heart

How stress affects heart health
Mansi Kohli, Health Me Up | Aug 14, 2011, 11.57AM IST

What exactly is the relationship between stress, heart diseases and sudden death? If I am stressed out, how does it increase my risk of heart disease? Does stress affect different people differently?

How will I know if I am suffering from stress? If you are someone who often wonders about all these questions, then you have come to the right place. Today we have Dr. Praveer Agarwal, Interventional Cardiologist and Associate Director, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, put all the dilemmas linked to heart disease and stress at rest. Read on...

How does stress increase the risk for heart disease?

Stress, either physical or mental, can actually take your heart rate to high levels, can increase the blood pressure and the demand of oxygen for your heart may go beyond the supply and may precipitate heart attack. On long term basis, chronic stress may cause persistent high blood pressure, disturbed cholesterol level and disturbances in blood clotting profile which may prove dangerous to heart.

How does your body react to acute stress?

Acute stress can lead to increase in heart rate, blood pressure, panic episode (attack) and rapid breathing. These conditions can precipitate heart attack or nervous break down.

Can stress be both good and bad?

Stress, up to a certain level or limit, will push you to complete your job and excel in life. But if beyond a limit and persistent, stress is extremely bad for health.

What are the warning signs of stress?

Warning signs of stress can be constant worries, inability to concentrate anger, anxiety, crying, depression, inability to take decision, not willing to take part in any activity. Negative thinking, compulsive and over eating, drug abuses, smoking, social withdrawal, headache, body ache, weight loss or gain, indigestion, palpitation are other signs of high levels of stress.

How can I cope with stress and be positive? Certain techniques can definitely help:

Healthy eating habits: Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and other addictions.

Regular physical activities: Breathing exercises like Pranayam help reduce stress. Even taking deep breaths during acute stress helps.

Sufficient physical rest: Good sleep and relaxation techniques help. Keep expectation to minimum, plan your activities or important work in advance, set realistic goals and very importantly learn to accept defeats and learn to say NO to others when you feel that necessary.

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No doubt about it, stress can do a lot of harm.  Take heed.  Although stress  is part of our everyday lives, there are ways of managing stress.  Don't let stress control you.  

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